Help Topics
HELP! How do I feed my horse?
Can talk...
HELP! My horse can’t walk
There can be a lot of reasons why our horses are struggling to get around. Check out some options below to see what makes the most sense for your situation. + My horse can’t walk because his/her front feet seem sore – See founder + My horse can’t walk on one of its legs If […]
HELP! My horse is colicing, now what?
Colic is one of those terms that is a bit all encompassing. Ultimately, it means your horse has a belly ache of some sort. Horses can show colic in a variety of ways, but here are some common behaviors: – Refusing to eat – Laying down even after you get them up again, or during […]
HELP! My horse is foundering!
Unfortunately founder, also known as laminitis, is a more common problem in the horse world than we would like. Time is crucial with a horse that is foundering. We need to try to stop the laminitic episode as quickly as possible, as well as determine if any rotation has occurred. So if you think your […]
HELP! Is my horse colicky?
Colic is one of those terms that is a bit all encompassing. Ultimately, it means your horse has a belly ache of some sort. Horses can show colic in a variety of ways, but here are some common behaviors: – Refusing to eat – Laying down even after you get them up again, or during […]
HELP! My horse just stepped on a nail!
If your horse has stepped on a nail, or other sharp object that has penetrated the hoof capsule or sole, the first thing to remember is to resist the urge to pull it out! The second step, is to call us at 303-841-6006, and have the available veterinarian come out to x-ray your horse’s foot. […]